Year: 2007
Thought you’d all want to see a hot press release circulating throughout North America. NEW YORK, NY – Want to know how to keep the thrill of receiving that beautiful bouquet last? Whether its exquisite roses, perky daisies, or lovely lilies, by following a few simple steps you can extend the life of that lush […]
Rehan in the Big Apple
I recently had the opportunity to accompany Rehan on a recent media blitz in New York. During his week long trip, Rehan met with top rated consumer magazines, newspapers and broadcast media to personally introduce Flora2000 to North America. The experience was extremely rewarding. Like myself, the reporters he met with were unaware of the […]
Handmade Down Under
Starting when he was still a teenager, Jonathan has built the best loved florist chain in Australia. What makes him special is that he is an expert florist and deeply concerned about their customer’s feelings, doing whatever is necessary to ensure that customers are always overjoyed with his service. Given Australia’s vast size and hot […]
Flora2000 at Florida Fest
Last week over Friday & Saturday, Flora2000 participated at the annual Florida Fest in Orlando. Our booth was visited by 1000s and we exhausted over 5000 copies of marketing material by 11am of the second day. A mad rush to the business center got us back on stock, but only till 4pm. Totally worth the […]
Flora2000 blooms in the Big Apple
New Online Floral Delivery Service For Overseas Floral Deliveries Makes Debut New York, NY, September 18, 2007 – When Flora2000 launched its internet site in 1999, the company set its sights at becoming the world’s leading online floral delivery experts for overseas floral deliveries. Now, with over eight years of experience in building specialized floral […]
Interesting statistics on our quality
If you believe that numbers have a story to tell, here are some of our numbers that speak volumes about our quality. 12.5% of all visitors on buy This is up from 11.5% a month ago and 7.5% in Jan ’07, which was when we polled many of our regular customers and they told […]
Celebrating birthdays the Flora2000 way
Since we’re Flora2000, you can imagine that a birthday in the office means lots of flowers. Here is Namita our HR manager being pampered the Flora2000 way.
Rehan at World Cut Flower Congress
The World Cut Flowers Congress is the annual gathering of the cut flower industry, held in (where else) Amsterdam. Your’s truly is a Keynote Speaker on how to use technology and processes to ensure quality and efficiency even while delivering in 150+ countries. The event is from the 8th – 10th of October and I’ll […]
Delivering smiles in Germany
Here are Derek & Christof (at their facility in Germany), who have been working together with Flora2000 since 2001. They deliver farm fresh flowers across Germany through courier and using a network of florists. Germany is a top 5 delivery country for Flora2000 and much of this credit goes to these two who deliver remarkable […]
Go smell the flowers
Stepping off the fast paced corporate treadmill, Jim & Emma resigned their jobs and decided to go on a tour of the great outdoors. This turned into a life changing experience allowing them to reflect upon themselves and think about their life. Now back to full time jobs in Dubai, they have put together a […]