Interesting statistics on our quality

If you believe that numbers have a story to tell, here are some of our numbers that speak volumes about our quality.

12.5% of all visitors on buy

This is up from 11.5% a month ago and 7.5% in Jan ’07, which was when we polled many of our regular customers and they told us to improve our product range and site navigation. Since then, we been continually focusing here and the results speak for themselves. 12.5% is amongst the highest visitor to purchase rate in ecommerce and absolutely the highest for a floral service that does not advertise itself!

45% of all our orders are from repeat customers

In 2005 only 28% of orders came from repeat customers, again showing how our good product range and our improvements to customer service have gone a long way in winning the hearts and confidence of customers.

5 times decrease in customer queries and complaints

Despite business blooming to more than double since 2005, the numbers of order related queries and complaints have come down substantially. This is due to our introduction in Feb 2007 of a great order tracking system; and tweaking the shopping cart to offer better guidance in filling up accurate addresses and phone numbers.

3000+ unique products under management

Each of the 150+ countries that Flora2000 services has its own unique catalog of flowers, bouquets and arrangements, composed entirely of local flowers and styles. To manage such a vast range, the largest of any floral company, we have had to set extremely strong processes to ensure that our catalog is accurate, appealing and upto date, all year round. Not a small task at all.

All of us here at Flora2000 love making improvements to products, website features and deliveries, because we know that our customers appreciate it and come back and reward the world by sending more and more beautiful flowers. Please do send us feedback through the feedback area in your my account (preferred because it gets classified neatly in our feedback system) or by emailing Jose at Flora2000 dot com

About RYK - Founder

Hi, I'm the founder & CEO of As you have probably gathered by now, I love flowers. This love affair began in the early nineties when I had the opportunity to visit the Floriade in Holland, where the landscape had been transformed into a beautiful garden of gorgeous flowers. I was also looking for a new career and I thought what better career than one which is so emotionally fulfilling and beautiful. I started my floral career as an importer of seed material and an exporter of flowers, but it was floral gifting that was my true love. So when the Internet came along in 2000 I set-up, allowing people to gift flowers conveniently through the Internet. Shortly after, I started getting requests for the overseas delivery of flowers to friends, family and co-workers. Country by country, using my floral industry contacts, I identified the leading florists in each country and set-up a network that today allows our customers to send high quality flowers in over 150 countries. Ofcourse, Flora2000 goes far beyond my own effort. I have been blessed with a skilled and dedicated team; and excellent florist partners worldwide. I hope through this blog you will learn more about all of us and give us feedback that keeps us improving. Thank You.
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