Holiday Candle

‘Tis the season for candlelight – nothing warms the dark winter days like the glowing flame of a candle. Elegantly long tapers, festive votives, and stately pillars all add ambiance to any floral arrangement. With a few helpful tricks and tips, you can keep your candles safely burning bright.

1) Always purchase dripless and smokless candles.

2) Before lighting, trim your candle wicks to ¼ of an inch.

3) Store your candles in a cool room or even the refrigerator. Cold candles burn slower and cleaner than a warm candle.

4) Pillar candles will burn down straighter if you watch your time on the first lighting. Yes, time your first candle burning to 1 hour per inch diameter of the pillar candle. After the time is up, blow the candle out and let it cool. This will prepare the candle with a center well that will burn down cleanly.

5) Avoid drafts! There is nothing worse for a candle than an air vent. The candle will burn rapidly and off center. Even the finest dripless candle will drip in a breeze.

6) When using votives, place a tablespoon of water in the votive cup before adding the candle. One the candle has burned down, the water makes it easy to remove the remaining wax.

Take care to enjoy the warmth of candlelight responsibly. Never leave a candle burning unattended and be sure the flame is fully extinguished before retiring for the evening.

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