Happy New Year
By / December 30, 2008 / No Comments / News
Happy New Year….. and Happy Springtime. In the “World According to Leanne”, spring officially begins on January 2. New Year’s Day and the Pasadena Rose parade are over. The holiday season has become a collection of memories – hopefully, mostly happy ones! As life settles into the winter routine, it is easy to feel a bit melancholy. Spring seems like an eternity away. Thank goodness for greenhouses and flower farmers. They give us the gift of an early spring. A little tease to hold us until the garden wakes up from the winter sleep.
It’s time to head off to the florist, gathering bundles of tulips, bunches of daffodils, pots of hyacinths and armloads of pussy willows. When you have filled your house with spring flowers, then spring has begun – even if it is winter outside. As you sit in the warmth of your home enjoying your flowers, sip a cup of hot tea and whisper a prayer of thanks to the hard working flower farmers throughout the world for sharing this wintertime gift.