Flora2000 Valentine’s Day Contest!

Contest Image
Happy Valentine’s Day to all you Romeos and Juliets! Valentine’s may be another excuse for lovers around the world, but let’s face it… it’s a really good one! Why should anyone miss out on the chance to enjoy the most romantic day of the year?

Dress up, pop some bubbly, enjoy a candlelight dinner and of course, bring a gift. Jewelry, stuffed cuddlies and chocolates are always winners but, presentation is the key. And, who can forget the most important ingredient for love… FLOWERS!

Given our passion for flowers and emotions we understand the importance of Valentine’s Day and we have just the thing for you:
A Valentine’s Day contest. Complete the sentence below and leave it in our comments box. THREE contestants with the best answers will receive a FREE Valentines Bouquet each, to send to their special someone.

So dig deep, get creative, and the winners will get a little help from Flora2000 this year.

A Romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be……….

About Flora2000

Flora2000 is the World’s premier international floral gifting brand. We feature a beautifully illustrated avant-garde collection of exquisite arrangements, especially suited for creating unforgettable moments for the special people. For over a decade, Flora2000 has transformed fine flowers into artistic expressions of mesmerizing beauty. Elegant design, personal care and the finest quality come together to offer you stunning floral arrangements for those special occasions. With a distinguished nationwide presence in the US, India & UK, we also deliver in over 190 countries. Our mission is to make floral gifting a personal, convenient and an exclusive experience.
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216 Responses to Flora2000 Valentine’s Day Contest!

  1. Gaurav Rao says:

    A Romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be……….to send her flowers for several consecutive days before valentines day with a note to let her know that she is always in my heart and always on my mind on every single day of our lives and not just on valentines day.

  2. Katerina says:

    To fly to the other end of the world.. from Europe to the U.S… just to be with him, because I miss him so so much…

  3. maroof says:

    take her to the concert which she loves……then me dissapearing in the crowd…..asking the concert performer to pick her from the crowd and bring her to the stage……me coming from back stage and me onto my knees proposing to her in front of the crowd ,camera and the whole world…….

  4. Gadiana M. Gaviola says:

    My Valentine would be complete only if my love sending a flowers during the day that everybody will also celebrate the happiest day .Flowers, can give me a good meaning and to others heart. It makes me feel comfort and trustful to my someone i love very much. My days full of joy around with the flowers it gives my heart so delightful. That is why the lord create flowers it’s because it brings our day better. So. thanks to God with the flowers he made.
    love diana

  5. Andrew B says:

    A Romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be: Travel the 1,723Km that separates us without telling her. Walk through the snow covered streets of Moscow until I came to her place of work and surprise her. She works in recruitment so I would hand her some flowers and say I am here to apply for the position of life partner and that I would like to be interviewed as soon as possible.

  6. some1iswaitingforavalentine says:

    Flowers is also one of the earthly things we have. Time will come , its colors fade and wither.Yes, it serve as the symbol of love, but what value most is the PERSON who gave the flowers,regardless of beauty, color and of how much… as long as you gave it wholeheartedly.

    The romantic thing i would do for my Valentine is hmmnn….talk with him all night long in d beach looking and searching for the brightest star with my head on his chest, whispering the “three magical words”,….i will tell him that my love for him is like the brightest star ,that whereever he may be, he just simply find that star and remember i am continually sparks with my love for him forever and ever.

  7. marlene kalnitz says:

    valentines day is a day for all sweethearts all over our world to have and share a wonderful day and try ad make this a happy rememeral day unforgettable=== and when you feel down and sad you have a wonderful day to remember,

  8. Mint S says:

    A Romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be to fly half way around to world from thailand to US and surprise him with flowers and chocolate at his front door! we only get to see each other once a year, so just get to spend time together on valentine’s day would mean the world for both of us.

  9. Hoa says:

    Valentine day would be meanful if I receive a beautiful flower from my lover. Flowers can make me happier and good meaning of love. I enjoy watching flowers. We live far from, so I hope to receive a flower bouquet from my darling on the special day. I miss you.
    I hope on this day will bring for every single couple with a happiness, joyful and live a long life with full of love together. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  10. Teodora says:

    A Romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be…. to travel around the world to catch up with him, where ever life and business would throw him on that day, to pamper him in the nicest way one can imagine, [to private to tell ;-)] and just be with him, doesn’t matter if he is happy or sad in that moment but make him and us feel comfortable and enjoy each others company. This can be in a very simple way, by just hanging around in the house/hotel on a sofa and listen to his thought’s, talking, caressing, drifting of together, while enjoying a good glass of red wine and the bonus would be to be together at one place on that day, and many more to come. 😉

  11. James Foster says:

    I would like to make the 18 plus hour flight to Brasil to see her and give her the flowers in person if I could. Valentines day is a different month and day in Brasil so making a trip to see her would be a way to show her Valentine’s Day from California is special. SInce I can’t make the flight flowers are the next best thing. She already has a card collection and 6 bears from the last few months so expressing Valentine’s day needs to be special.

  12. Brunella says:

    A Romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be to write a poem that goes like this:

    Is a gentle pink glowing mist
    pushed forward by volition
    through this mixed-media
    panorama of cranes
    eating away at the sky,
    the obstructed view
    of human perception
    reflected in glass cocoons.
    is your eyes blinking
    lashes fluttering
    in a thousand pink flamingos
    drowning my breath,
    your blossoming smile
    Sprinkling golden chuckles
    And goosebumps
    on my skin

  13. AD says:

    A Romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be proposing. I would stand outside of her house and sing her a song which i wrote and when i get her attention i would ask her to come out and take her to her favorite restaurant because the day would be all about her and order her favorite meal and then take her to her favorite hotel which i know and prepare the proposal in the middle of the street in front of everyone and i would tell her that i wanted the whole world to know that i loved her and to see me on my knees asking her to marry me and when she agrees i will take her to the hotel room and make her feel like a princess. I would make her day start with a surprise and most importantly her smile and end with a smile too.

  14. Greg McCartney says:

    After she goes to work at the radio station I have 3 dozen ‘I love you’ assorted balloons, 1 dozen for each year we have been together, each of which I will inflate and scatter around her bedroom. Then 3 dozen roses delivered accompanied by a teddy bear. A bottle of red and then retire for the night…….. The will be our last valentines day before we are married in May so I want it to be special.

  15. Buboy says:


  16. The Kman says:

    A Romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be……….to take the time to spend quality time with her (her #1 love language) all day long….just her and I. While with her, continue to speak of the deeper things of life and love, affirming my love, adoration, and admiration for who she is to me (her #2 love language). She is physically very attractive, yet that is not the reason I love her, it is her personality, and her view on life that is even so much more beautiful…and will not fade with the years of time.

    I would pick her up in the morning for a nice brunch somewhere along the shoreline, here in Hawaii. Then set-out on a friend’s sailboat for a few hours of relaxing and looking for Spinner Dolphins and Humpback whales that are now here.

    In the afternoon, spend it lazing on a picnic blanket with some lite foods and juice at a scenic park, and then that evening, go to a small Thai restaurant I know is good for some dinner… Then drive up into the hills overlooking Honolulu and share a pint of B&J’s Strawberry and Cream ice cream while overlooking the lights of the city, while my arms are wrapped around her.

  17. Yvonne Capunong says:

    Hi! I knoow to the people out there especially who are inlove and being loved is so excitted co’z cupisa is on the air. Well let just always keep in mind that evn we are alone, far away from our family or really lonely. Just remember that love is always there and will surely come. Just belived and wait. besides evreyday is valentines day as long you have your family and special someone. I am many many miles away with my man but we keep believing in our love co’z our love make us so close. And we always thanks for our love and thankful that we ahve some one. We are love and being loved. Happy Valentines Day my Mark!

  18. karima says:

    The romantic thing I did for valentine’s day last year was that I wrote my own poem to my Honey, who leaves so far away from me:

    “A bottle of Perfume”

    I put your perfume on everyday!
    Every flower of it catches my memories
    Every sense of it embraces my soul and tells me you are near
    Every drop of it on my skin, reminds me of you

    My hands want to catch every spray of it to keep you with me
    My eyes are so envious of the air around me
    My nose is in love with every sense of it
    My soul is greeting you and wishing you can hear it

    The day I loved you,
    that picture was made forever,
    So I dreamt of you every night,
    I thought of you every minute,
    and when I got angry,
    I sprayed your perfume again, and told my self you were real
    not just a dream

    So I wrote this poem,
    On the behalf of my soul,
    To let you know,
    That I may not be near
    But yet so close

    You are the air,
    I smell around me every day,
    You are the beat of my heart,
    I wanted to offer you the skies, the moons and the stars,
    But I decided to offer you my soul
    And my apologies if my gift is not what you expected
    If love is a mistake
    You are my unforgettable mistake

    I asked God for a flower
    And he gave me a Garden
    Every walk in its air,
    Between its beautiful colours and senses,
    I found something that reminded me of you.

    No matter how far you are,
    I miss you,
    No matter how strong I am,
    I need you,
    You are the spring of my life,
    I will wait every year
    For my spring to come

    When my spring will come
    I will hold the clock,
    So you can stay beside me for years

    You are the most beautiful dream I had,
    The warmest heart, I found
    And the most beautiful voice I heard
    You are so true
    That I may run out of ink
    Without saying everything I feel

    I have run miles to find you,
    I have engraved your name in the deepest of my heart
    In the fear of losing you
    Every letter of it sounds like a rhyme in my ear,
    And reminds me of you

    They say love killed nations,
    Yet, your love has revived me
    And I am glad to have you
    This memory of yours captured in that bottle of perfume

    I love you forever


  19. G. Humes says:

    …I would first make a reservation for a room for the night at a very expensive hotel in Tokyo,Japan.

    In the evening i would take my wife for dinner at the most famous and reputable sushi restaurant in Japan called Ginza Kyuubei. Ensuring a single rose was placed and waiting on arrival at our table.

    After dinner we would return to the hotel room i had reserved.

    I would set a very large Jaccuzi bath tub with Jasmine aromatherapy salts and have both my wife and I relax together in the bath for 45 mins to an hour. While in the hot Jaccuzi bath i would get out and go to the ice box, returning to feed her frozen tangerine segments while telling her how much i love her.

    After the bath i would pat her dry with an Organic European hemp terry bath towel, and massage her body with the best aromatherapy oil before retiring to bed spending the night in each others arms between the silk sheets.

  20. Sajjad Hussain says:

    Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing which decision to take; is the worst kind of suffering.

  21. Tom says:

    A romantic thing I would do for my valentine:
    Get on a jet
    incur a mountain of debt
    arrive in the Swiss showers
    with flora 2000 flowers
    for my valentine

  22. Phillip Warner Sr says:

    I would light candles around a darkened home sprinkle rose pedals on a path that leads to a candlelit warm bubble bath that I’ve drawn for her. While she is bathing I would bring her hors’ duerves of chocolate covered strawberries and a glass of champagne. I would slowly feed it to her while I sang her a love song, washed her back, and massaged her shoulders. After her bath, I would take her to bed and bring her a lovely dinner that I have prepared for her on a silver tray. The tray would have a single red rose wrapped in a white silk bow with the wedding ring set that I have always wanted to give her but never could afford to buy for 28 years of being married to me. Their also would be 2 tickets 2 London, England for a week long honeymoon that we never had.

  23. Boo says:

    My Valentine this year would be my mother who took care of me so much last year while I was sick. She was by my side everyday for nearly a year and I just wanted to say a big thank you to her.

  24. Ingor says:

    I would lavish gifts (including flowers) on my husband any day, not just Valentine’s Day. That way he would know that I’m doing it because he’s special and not just because it’s Valentine’s Day.

  25. Kim N says:

    A romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be…have dinner ready when he got home from work. Have his slippers and robe ready for him when he walks in the door. Feed the kids and put them down early and then watch the show of his choice while I rub his feet.

  26. Stacy says:

    A Romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be to let him sleep in.

  27. mom says:


  28. gretchin says:

    thanks for sending me a beautiful flowerers, it touches my heart,. HAPPY VALENTINES TOO.

  29. sean says:

    i started out this relationship with a fantastic girl, and i told her that i would give everything to her. i dun really know what is happening now. but i just know that it doesnt look very good at this point in time. she doesnt really understand what i am doing for her. my pocket is running dry and i love this girl, i want her to have a bouquet of roses and have a candle light dinner with me. when i have more money i will give her more things. i can ensure that up to this point in time i have not cheated on her or lied to her. many things have happened that try to weaken my love for her. everything in my brain is trying hard to kill this relationship. but i know that no matter how beaten i am by her, i will give her a bouquet of roses because it is what she love. it doesnt matter if she know who sean really is. i dunno why i am writing such stuff here. she is sleeping beside me now. i just want everyone to know that, no matter how tough love is, dun give it up. its really tough for me right now, but i am not gonna give up. no matter how the person beat u down, if u are really strong just take it, to me that is the best kind of love i can give to a person.

  30. Maria Katemba says:

    The romatic thing I will do to my valentine I will make sure the flowers get in time so he will see them as soon as he wakes up and feel like I am just next to him and remind him of the good moments we spend in each other arms and if I had a chance I will send breakfast as well so he will wake up get his flowers get to the dining and find the table well dressed with roses all over the breakfast

  31. Eve Hall says:

    To write him and other couples this poem:

    The Gift

    I feel your breath upon me
    Your breathing is in sync with mine.
    We have promised to love each other
    In sickness and in health, poor or with wealth.
    Two hearts sharing this treasure of love.
    Two people who have promised to become one
    Two hearts entwined with one another.

    A gift more precious than gold or silver
    A gift meant for two, bonded together
    A gift that is to be cherished and honored
    This gift is not to be bought or sold
    This gift is…


    Eve Hall 2009

  32. eloe hernandez says:

    Una cosa que podria hacer para celebrar mi dia de San Valentin seria… ya que mi novia esta ahorita en Cali Colombia y yo estoy en San Diego CA, viajaria a Cali un dia antes de San Valentin, contrataria unos mariachis , compraria un ramo gigante de canna lilys o alcatrazes como los conocemos en Mexico con una rosa roja y una caja de chocolates de diferentes clases,yo siempre le llamo a las 4:30 am ya que aya son las 7:30 am, y siempre que le llamo le silvo como silvan los canarios,y ella sabe que el dia que este afuera de su casa y escuche mi silvido ella tiene que abrir la puerta de su casa, asi que muy temprano con todo listo, me conseguire un tel celular y le llamare justo alas 7:30 y le silvare como siempre y le dire que salga a abrirme y cuando ella abra la puerta 🙂 … los mariachis comenzaran a tocar y yo a cantarle la cancion que se llama “las mananitas” y le dare sus flores a mi nina y un abrazo gigante y un beso que todos lo que esten ahi se quedaran sorprendidos 🙂 ooooo,,y de ahi entrando a su casa le preparare el desayuno,y en el sofa de su casa la acostare sobre mis piernas y veremos la pelicula” wall-e”
    y le estare dando sus chocolatitos en la boca y muchos besitos en su frentre,y asi pasar juntitos mi dia de San Valentin :).

  33. Marci says:

    Leave little hidden notes all over the house that he has to go and find and at the end a LOVE coupon book that we both will enjoy!

  34. Steve says:

    A Romantic thing I would do for my valentine would be………. to come home early from work ( I work the night shift and don’t get home until late morning), and make her a breakfast to remember. When she would come down to the kitchen, she would see a beautiful table set up with a bouquet of flowers as the centre piece. We would all enjoy breakfast, before heading out to Niagara Falls with the kids. We would go to the butterfly conservatory, since they have many plants and flowers to admire and smell, and of course the kids love chasing the butterflies. Time well spent with family.

  35. jef haidaczuk says:

    a romantic thing to do for valentine’s day would be to fly from boston to germany to visit my fiance, and surprise her by showing up and getting to spend time together while we wait for our K1 fiance visa to get approval. being apart is tough enough, but on valentine’s day, it’s a little harder. i wouldn’t want to do anything extravagant all weekend, just spend time being together. that’s really the thing you miss when you are in a long distance relationship, the little things…cooking dinner together, watching movies together, etc.. and those are the things id want to spend time doing on valentine’s day.

  36. NGS says:

    Make dinner, get dressed up, put on makeup, do my hair, and have it all ready by candlelight when he gets home from work!! With flowers on the table!!

  37. Daniel Doble says:

    I love Flora2000!

  38. mario Silva says:

    If I could I would rent an airplane to fly over my girlsfriends house,with a big 100 foot message saying would you marry me ? love Mario. when I see her come out of her house then I would release about one million rose peddles and litter her street and yard. By the way I live in the USA and My girlfriend lives in the Phlipphines.Even all the miles between us I still love her more than anything in this world

  39. Ali says:

    On Valentine’s Day we think of those
    Who make our lives worthwhile,
    Those gracious, friendly people who
    We think of with a smile.

    I am fortunate to know you my Mahal
    That’s why I want to say,
    To a rare and special person:
    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  40. Victor says:

    I live in a beautiful country where the Sun shines during all year long and that is considered for many people as the paradise on the Earth. But one thing is missing, the girl i love, who i met when i traveled to another country to study a foreign language and who was my classmate. Since then we are living a wonderful relationship,even being in distant continents, and we use to visit each other in our respective countries at least twice a year, but it has been so hard because the more i see her more i wanna be with her.So i decide to go after her, even changing all my life, leaving a good job and beautiful landscapes to live with the person who i believe is my BIG LOVE. And Why not in a close future have many childrens that speak 4 different languages?

  41. John J says:

    My Valentine is half way around the world…The most romantc thing I could do would be to fly to be with her. Alas, I cannot, so I am sending flowers. I am sending flowes that will be beautiful and last long, like our love for eachother…

  42. suzanne says:

    A romantic thing i could do for my valentine would be to cook his favorite dinner. Then after dinner serve him a glass of red wine and while he sipp his wine i prepare the bedroom with satin bed sheets and lighted scented candles. I would then invite him to bed still with his wine and put on his favourite caribbean (reggae/soca) love cd. While he listen to this I would put on his favourite negligee which is whipped cream while dancing to the music, then let him do a striptees act to the music to take it off. Then i would join him in bed for wine and whatever else! He is my husband so there are no boundaries. I just know he is going to enjoy this.

  43. Rajiv sathe - Flora2000 says:

    Dear Richard Hoover,

    We are extremely sorry to hear that you are not with your long time love.
    We might not understand what you might be going through but we know it must be painful. We will try our best to make sure we can do our little bit and help you out this Valentine.

  44. Robert Chan says:

    this valentines day is my first valentines with my beautiful and loving wife. but it sad to say that she’s working in different country and i feel i wanna cry i feel lonely specially everytime i talk to her and her voice sounds lonely its like somebody crashed my heart. im always thinking if how i can make her happy even im far away from her. i want to surprise her always even there is no occations because i just want to make her happy everyday in her life. i love my wife so much. and you know, when i find out this Flora2000, im very happy because this is my way how i can surprise her and make her happy and make her day memorable… thank you flora2000… the 1st time i order to you in our 3rd monthsary… she really got surprise of what she find out that somebody is looking for her with the beautiful white flowers… she cannot even say something when she call me on the phone…. she keeps on saying thank you and i love you…. i want to surprise her again… but im thinking what i will give her… i want to order to flora2000 again…. specially there beautiful offer in this coming valentines day… i love the roses with the teddy bear saying “i love you” i hope i can afford that gift…. actually im calling my wife “mommy” and she calls me “padaba”. padaba means “My love” in there language… i really love my mommy so so much…. nobody can love her the way i do… its very tough and its very hard for us being far from each other…. but because i love her so much…. i’ll do anything just not to think that shes far from me…. time and days are fast….

  45. dima says:

    this valentine ill be lonely.. i wish if me and my fiance could be together.. he is in italy.. but if he is here i would like to spend the most romantic day with him.. go out for dinner on candels light.. and when we come back home i want to fill his room with a hundred red ballons and a hundred roses.. on each rose ill write a sentence why i love you.. i00 reasons.. i wish if he is here

  46. akshay says:

    a valentine day wont be complete without flora 2000 , spending that special day with the loved one and adding a beautiful bouquet to set the day on fire with love happiness as flowers brings a smile on all faces and all ages and all occasions for evryone in the world what else you can ask for on that special day .

  47. akshay says:

    being so far from my love on that special day nothing can be as wonderful as sending a beautiful bouquet from flora 2000 as its worldwide service.. it can be the distance miracle .. i can express my romance and flora 2000 does it all on my behalf .. same what i would have done if i was with my love on that day carry a bouquet of flowers and visit her

  48. Donelle says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day to my one true love!!!!

  49. Robert T says:

    My Valenitine would go to my daughter who gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. For the last three weeks, this “little man” was in the ICU . With the love of God, he came back home to us healthy and ready to take on the world. I am sending her flowers to remind her that each day spent with him is a Valentines Day. Filled with love and and gratefulness. The rose symbolizes her lifes journey with him. There is great beauty and each petal symbolizes the layers of lifes surprises and stories of his life. The stem represents the strength that it will take to survive in this world and the thorns tell of the hardships that they will both enocunter throughout the years. But if they can stop and remember to “smell the roses” in life. They will always appreciate the positives as well as the negatives .

  50. Craig C says:

    I will make a calendar with my honey’s photos. It will be on display at my home for all to see how lovely she is.

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