5 min read

Win Flowers. The occasion will follow!

Blog Request Contest

Are you still counting down the days till the next big occasion arrives? Well, you had better plan a recount because something special could be in store for you, sooner than you think.

We are giving you a chance to create your own special occasion and send an extravagant bouquet to anyone in the world, ABSOLUTELY FREE. That’s right, an occasion just for you.

Simply post a short write up related to an interesting flower fact, something you think is out of this world, in the comment section, or even post a photo to have a better chance of swinging things in your favor. Then cross your fingers and pray your entry is one of the most unique ones we receive.
You could send your images to us at –

The two most interesting posts get a purchase from us ABSOLUTELY FREE.

If that wasn’t enough, every person who enters gets a 10% discount on their next purchase from us. So you win no matter what.

Entries will be accepted till the 15th of March 2009, so stop reading already and start typing before this opportunity fades.