Win Flowers. The occasion will follow!

Blog Request Contest

Are you still counting down the days till the next big occasion arrives? Well, you had better plan a recount because something special could be in store for you, sooner than you think.

We are giving you a chance to create your own special occasion and send an extravagant bouquet to anyone in the world, ABSOLUTELY FREE. That’s right, an occasion just for you.

Simply post a short write up related to an interesting flower fact, something you think is out of this world, in the comment section, or even post a photo to have a better chance of swinging things in your favor. Then cross your fingers and pray your entry is one of the most unique ones we receive.
You could send your images to us at –

The two most interesting posts get a purchase from us ABSOLUTELY FREE.

If that wasn’t enough, every person who enters gets a 10% discount on their next purchase from us. So you win no matter what.

Entries will be accepted till the 15th of March 2009, so stop reading already and start typing before this opportunity fades.

About Flora2000

Flora2000 is the World’s premier international floral gifting brand. We feature a beautifully illustrated avant-garde collection of exquisite arrangements, especially suited for creating unforgettable moments for the special people. For over a decade, Flora2000 has transformed fine flowers into artistic expressions of mesmerizing beauty. Elegant design, personal care and the finest quality come together to offer you stunning floral arrangements for those special occasions. With a distinguished nationwide presence in the US, India & UK, we also deliver in over 190 countries. Our mission is to make floral gifting a personal, convenient and an exclusive experience.
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182 Responses to Win Flowers. The occasion will follow!

  1. Omair Quraishi says:

    An interesting flower fact that is out of this world?

    According to the Meteor Impact Theory there is a chance that many types of flowers and plants arrived on Earth riding interstellar comets and meteors. Which could in part explain our fascination with flowers. Every other plant on earth we normally focus on eating or avoiding. But flowers invoke the imagination, the senses, and our spirit. Perhaps at some level we recognize the wonder our universe has to offer beyond our pretty blue rock.

  2. HELEN GRAY says:


  3. mushrif says:

    eternal love and passion , carnations for truth for fidelity for beautiful spirit for grace and elegance for a declaration of love to show you are hopelessly in love for faithfulness
    to make a promise

  4. Gerardo Rodriguez says:

    Love, in fact, is the dominant message among the symbolic meanings of flowers….as well it might be. Flowers, after all, are the sexual reproductive organs of plants, and as such they are emblematic of all sorts of intimate proceedings. Think about, a special flower meaning longing, devotion, love, romance, compassion, faithfulness, hope, strength etc. Just think about how it feels when you receive some flowers just like that, you know the feeling you get, I know everyone approches the meaning differently. But you feel good.

  5. Julie Grover says:

    With all the depressing financial news it’s even more important to raise our spirits the natural beauty of flowers. A great bouquet of quality flowers can last and even be ‘recycled’ into smaller arrangements over a fortnight. I love Lisianthums (or lizzies as they are affectionately known in Australia) for this reason – they are wistful, yet resilient flowers that come in a gorgeous array of colours. When running guest houses in the Blue Mountains I used to start with a huge display on the desk at the beginning of the week and then divide and trim the blooms into bud vases for the restaurant at the end of the week. Keeping the water fresh and trimming the excess leaves means you really can get your money’s worth!

  6. Hoang says:

    Some of the most precious moments in your life are sometimes the few seconds where you are able to see the person you care about smile.

  7. Hoang says:

    There is a tradition of giving 11 roses, this is not like the common dozen roses. There is a deeper meaning where 11 roses signifies “That in this one lifetime, you will be the only one I love.”

  8. Vic says:

    If you want to give something red and try something different, try red carnations!

  9. Alex says:

    Flower her. 🙂

  10. Steve says:

    I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers. ~Claude Monet

    Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. ~Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858

  11. Andre says:

    Sunflowers point there heads to the sun, hence the name, and the Lifejackets used to be filled with sunflower stems. Sunflowers feed , beautify and saves lives.

  12. Lahiru says:

    What a Rose Can Say……..

    A rose can say
    Things in your way
    Many wonderful words
    It carries with gay

    I love you my darling
    And want you to be mine
    I miss you a lot
    Wish we could tie the knot

    Thank you for being
    So very kind
    Congratulations pal
    Wish you good luck

    Get well soon
    God bless you today
    Hello my bloom
    I’m thinking of you everyday

    As you may be
    The best thing to me
    Let me sit and pray
    With a rose that can say…

  13. Michelle says:

    The spice saffron (which is the most expensive spice in the world) is obtained from the dried, thread-like stigmas of the crocus flower, a member of the iris family. There are only 3 stigmas per bloom so it takes about 75,000 saffron crocus blooms to yeild one pound of saffron!

  14. Nida Cayetano says:

    A bouquet of beautiful red roses turned my hardened heart into a heart of flesh – simply unexplainable joy.

  15. Bindu says:

    Feeling, smell and the lovely Flowers don’t need words to express feeling, they just say what we want. Sending Flowers is the best way to begin your loved ones day/life.

  16. Jun says:

    I’m a guy and used to, and actually still do feel a little embarrassed when I buy flowers and have to carry them around in public vicinities before meeting my loved ones. I can’t really rationalize this but i guess it’s the attention and stares you get from passer-bys while carrying that bouquet of roses. So sometimes i really wonder why girls like receiving flowers so much. lol… maybe this is just one of my idiosyncracies. Nevertheless, giving flowers to someone special, especially your loved ones, is a sweet gesture to convey your love and concern in any occasion. However superficial one thinks this gesture may be, it often is the key to a girl’s heart and though it entails slightly embarrassing and awkward moments while walking around with the flowers(for my case), it certainly is still worthwhile!

  17. Michelle says:

    Like a birthstone, each month of the year has its own respective birth flower. It is interesting to see if your flower fits your personality!
    January: Carnation
    February: Violet
    March: Daffodil
    April: Daisy
    May: Lily of the Valley
    June: Rose
    July: Larkspur
    August: Gladiolus
    September: Aster
    October: Calendula
    November: Chrysanthemum
    December: Holly

  18. Dalal says:

    Columbus discovered America because of a rose! It is written that on October 11, 1492, while becalmed in the Sargasso Sea, one of the crewmen picked a rose branch from the water. This sign of land renewed their hope for survival and gave the seafarers the courage to continue on to the New World.

  19. Willie Sullivan says:

    I send my soon to be wife roses each month. I am serving my country (The US) in Iraq. She is from Thailand. She has kept every rose I have ever sent her. On my last trip home to see her we took a trip thru the market in Khon Kean Thailand. The photo that I am sending is from the market. I hope everyone enjoys the photo.

  20. Kirsty Mudd says:

    Gerbras are beautiful so colourful and bright, they make me smile and light up my life, no matter what the occasion they warm and enhance my day.

  21. Michael says:

    Although very beautiful, the Hawaiian Tulip is one of the most toxic flowers to humans. All parts of the plant are poisonous if consumed.

    It takes about 5000 saffron flowers to produce just one ounce of saffron spice.

  22. fanpei says:

    I sent Gerbera’s to my friend on her brithday. She studies in Australia and I sent these flowers from China to Australia. This is my first time that I sent flower to a girl….haha! I think I love her ^_^.

  23. Xavier says:

    Here’s a little known fact about workers in the flower industry:

    Working in the flower industry may have several adverse side effects.

    One reason is that workers are continuously exposed to low intensity toxins. These toxins may not be deemed fatal only because it’s so little poison in them. However, long term exposure can be dangerous to health, and even fatal. This can be seen as 6 out of every 10 flower workers have health problems and may not even be aware of it. Some of these issues include cancer or neurological problems.

    The flower industry, if not regulated properly, can cause contamination of water supplies. Studies have already been done in Cayambe and Tabacundo in Ecuador (one of the worls largest rose producers). These studies have shown contamination in mainly the agriculture sector’s water supply.

    Finally, flowers consume a WHOLE lot of water. For example, one hectare of flowers needs more than 900 cubic metres of water per month, a hacienda uses about 5, while a peasant uses only 1. I never thought this was possible but flowers could actually be stealing our water!

  24. Carol Tomasicchio says:

    It is interesting that nurseries never tell you how to harvest seeds from the plants you buy. My sister took courses at the New York Botanical Gardens and now we save a considerable amount of money each year.

  25. Christina Smith says:

    Since I was very little I learned to love flowers. My Dad could recognize them by the perfume, even being blind; my Mom would plant them all around the house. I learned to appreciate them, to take care and raise them. My Dad was a poet and when I was 6 years old he wrote a poem about a Red Rose that I memorized and declaimed at School.

    Later in life I also married a professional Gardener and our house is full of flowers. Talking to him some of these days, I didn’t know to tell him which flower is my favourite. I love all them.
    They are good everywhere, anyway.

    And I am grateful that our Master Gardener shares them with us.

  26. hap says:

    I was going to enclose a picture of beautiful fragrant roses my aunt grows in dusseldorf. They are named for Helmut Kohl’s first wife, Hannelore.

  27. dima kittaneh says:

    The World’s Largest Flower
    The Titan Arum is not only the world’s largest flower it is also the world’s smelliest.
    This native of the central Sumatran rainforests is known affectionately as the Corpse Flower for its heady perfume of rotting flesh. It is 3 metres high

    button The World’s Smallest Flower
    A bouquet of a dozen Wolffia blooms would comfortably fit on the head of a pin.
    A type of duckweed, Wolffia grows on the surface of ponds and slow moving streams.
    This very minute flowering plant is native to Australia and Malaysia. The plant body is 0.6-0.9 mm long and only 0.2-0.5 mm wide. Not only is it one of the smallest flowering plants on earth, but it also produces one of the smallest fruits.

    button The World’s Largest Bouquet
    70, 000 roses went into the making of the world’s largest flower bouquet.
    The 23.4 metre arrangement was the work of Ashrita Furman

    button The World’s Oldest Flower
    In 2002 scientists in north-east China discovered a fossilised flower that blossomed about 125 million years ago. Called “the mother of all flowers”, Archaefructus sinensis resembles the modern water lily

  28. SANJAY KUMAR says:

    There is one place in the world called as Valley of Flowers…………………can any one answer this and scratch your heads…………..

  29. SANJAY KUMAR says:

    Please never pluck all the flowers when you do so for preparing garland or even for puja(prayer). Please leave couple of flowers in the plant. Advice specially for Indians.

  30. SANJAY KUMAR says:

    Flower says it is beatiful. But the Indian woman after wearing that flower on her head say i am beatiful.

  31. SANJAY KUMAR says:

    In India the name Pushpa( means flower) is commonly used in naming a baby girl. Now one can understand the nature of the flower.

  32. SANJAY KUMAR says:

    U know only once this garaland made out of flowes has been misused ……….I am very sad to say this. It is in the assasination of PM of India Late Rajiv Gandhi.

  33. SANJAY KUMAR says:

    Pushpa(flower) is the most sacred thing in Hindu Culture and without which the puja(prayer) never completes.

  34. SANJAY KUMAR says:

    I never knew such kind of service is available untill my boss told me about this a year ago. This is really great. A perfect way to coney the dearest ones that you care about them even when geographically you are far away.

  35. Sarah Darlington says:

    Roses are believed to have been around for over 35 million years. Apparantly a fossilized rose was found in Florissant, Colorado…..WOW!!!!!!

  36. SANJAY KUMAR says:

    Ameriacans say car is an extension of ones personality. We shall say flowers are the reflection of love……………..

  37. Sarah Darlington says:

    My love for you is like a rose – when I did not have you I was wanting you, for all the years I had you I treasured you and now you are gone I will remember your scent forever……

  38. Lisa says:

    The Language of Flowers was first published in 1885, 122 years ago, specifying the following meanings:

    a. Deep Red Roses “bashful shame”
    b. White Roses “I am worthy of you”
    c. Red Rosebuds “Pure and lovely”
    d. Yellow “Decrease of love” or “jealousy”…today the yellow rose indicates friendship, joy, and caring.
    Today, the red rose is a universal symbol of passionate love.

  39. Lisa says:

    Grammatophyllum speciosum is the giant of the orchid world. It can reach 25 feet in height with
    leaves up to 2½ feet long. The flower stalk can reach 8 feet, often bearing more than 100 flowers,
    each 5-6 inches across

  40. Robert Forget says:

    Only by there presence in a room ; flowers bring some peace and well being to the soul.

  41. J H Golverdingen says:

    Ordered 3 times……………….3 times 100% perfect.

  42. Paolo says:

    Orchids and tulips are always special for every occasion.

  43. Ises A. Abrahamsohn says:

    Blue or pink hydrangeas? It is a matter of the acidity,also known as pH, of the soil. In acid soils, the flowers turn blue whereas in alkaline soils they become pink. There are ways to alter the soil’s pH to become more acid or alkaline. The best way to go about it is to first measure the pH of the earth. Kits for domestic use are sold in gardening stores.
    If you want to acidify a neutral or alkaline (pH 7.0 or higher) soil, ferrous sulphate can be used for quick results. The fertilizers manure or organic compost are also effective; these will act slower but the results are longer lasting and your plants will be much more happy. In contrast, should you want pink hydrangeas, the soil must be alkalinized. You should use calcium carbonate in the form of agricultural lime. Ground limestone or chalk can be added as indicated by the producer.

  44. Ahmed Almudallal says:

    The US is the number one importer of Ecuador’s roses. The US imports $60-70 million in roses from Ecuador, almost 50% of the total cut flower exports from Ecuador!

  45. Tony says:

    I have used the service many times and it has always delivered on time. I was hoping that St. Patrick’s Day would have special flowers for the occasion as I am Irish! Maybe next Year? Tony

  46. gail kernius says:

    Tulips are the third most popular flower in the world.

  47. Biljana P. says:

    Roses are Red,
    Violets are Blue,
    My favorite flowers
    will be sent from you.

  48. Nicolas K says:

    Pinks are so called not because of their color but because of the ragged edges, or pinks, on each petal. The color pink is actually named after the flower.



  49. steve porte says:

    Flowers in the desert… . The people of Dubai love flowers. They are everywhere – in homes, hotels, malls, etc. Obviously, the flowers cannot be grown locally, so Dubai has become the largest single importer of flowers from Holland. To process the volume of fresh flowers coming into the desert climate of Dubai, they built a special facility right on the Dubai Airport. It is reportedly the largest refrigerated hangar in the world…

  50. Ahmed says:

    Anigozanthus, also known as Kangaroo Paw, Unusual furry buds with insignificant flowers. Ideal for modern arrangements.

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