Some things go together naturally, like bees and honey, caviar and wine, fruits and flowers. The last, besides being pleasingly alliterative, brings to mind delectable colors, scents and flavours.
Fruits and flowers make an unbeatable combination. A beautiful centerpiece with a colorful mix of perfectly ripened fruits set off with elegant and delicate flowers, can be an inviting beginning to a wonderful evening of conversation and laughter.
At the Women’s Day celebration at Azok, Flora2000’s incredible and edible arrangements made quite an impression on the sparkling attendees. Co hosted by Nisha Jhaveri of Myrah Spa and Lucky Morani of the restaurant, the soiree’s guest list included the likes of Isha Koppikar, Aarti Surendranath and Maria Goretti.
Our beautiful centerpieces and adorable napkin rings were crafted from fine flowers and delicious, succulent fruits and berries. It was an evening dedicated to, and in celebration of, the empowerment of women, where our elegant decor featuring orchids, cherry tomatoes, orange berries and star fruits set the scene.