St. Patrick’s Day
New buds, white blossoms and green shoots mean one thing– Spring! The winter is finally over and we want to celebrate, let the liquor flow and revel in green splendor.
St. Patrick’s originated in Ireland, as an annual feast in honor of Ireland’s revered St. Patricius, who brought Christianity to Ireland. He died on March 17th 461 AD and the Irish observe this day as a religious holiday. Green, the color of Spring, shamrocks and the Emerald Isle, eventually became inextricably linked with St. Patrick’s Day.
Today, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated by people of all backgrounds in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Come March 17th, the excitement for parades, the ensuing celebrations and the warmth in the air, all make St Patrick’s Day a special emerald infused extravaganza.