Year: 2010

Happy Birthday America!
The American Revolution was a beginning, not a consummation. ~Woodrow Wilson On July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, announcing to the world that the 13 American colonies no longer belonged to the Kingdom of Great Britain and were free and independent states. Every July fourth, America celebrates Independence Day with […]

Orange Rose Orbs
Vibrant orange is such a happy color. You can’t help but smile when you look at a ball of orange roses. What to do with a delightful ball of orange roses? Oh, so many wonderful things! 1) Carry it as a bridal pomander. The bright orb is a kicky approach to the traditional bridal bouquet. […]

Groom’s Stephanotis Boutonniere
The fragrant stephanotis blossom makes a fetching boutonniere for the groom. Commonly called Madagascar Jasmine (referring to its native home) Stephanotis is a sweetly scented flower that blooms into a 5 pointed star. The pristine white blossom has been a wedding favorite for decades. Representing “Bridal Happiness” in the Victorian language of flowers, the bloom […]

Elegant Cymbidium Orchids
Cymbidium orchids are one of my favorite exotic blossoms. They are long lasting and fit into most any décor. And, there are so many marvelous colors. Visit Flora2000 and you will find pink, white, yellow, green and bronze. There are endless variations in the orchid color spectrum. Paired with a Monstera leaf and a bit […]

A DADication
Parents always tell their children: I love every gift you’ve given me. Little wonder that children often take their parents for granted. Honestly now, don’t you? This probably explains why your sentimental Papa owns so many interesting ties and cufflinks that can never be worn in polite society. A good present cannot be thought of […]

100 Years of Father’s Day
Father! – to God himself we cannot give a holier name. ~William Wordsworth A time to honour paternal bonds and fatherhood, Father’s Day now includes all father figures, such as uncles, big brothers, fathers-in-law and step-dads. While ‘honouring thy father’ has been a part of every culture around the globe, the modern Father’s Day owes […]

Pink Bridal Bouquet
Pink and white blooms combine for a delightfully feminine bridal bouquet. The sweet fragrance of stephanotis and the romantic flower of love, roses combined with contemporary favorites, calla lilies and lisianthus. Enhanced with wax flower, babies breath and pearls- this bouquet is sure to be known as the “bride’s favorite”. Does is look like something […]

Cool Water Bridal Bouquet
Purple without a doubt is “THE” color for 2010 weddings. Lavender, eggplant, violet… purple and all its variations, is one fabulous flower color. It’s not often a trendy color is so easily co-ordinated within the world of flowers. Have you seen the new Cool Water rose? It is the perfect hue for a purple wedding. […]

Cherry Brandy Roses
Wow! It is amazing, the new and wonderful type of roses that can be found at Flora2000. Fabulous large blooms with petal counts beyond belief! One of my new favorites is the Cherry Brandy. How to describe it…. Kind of orange, kind of bronze and a touch of hot pink – you have to see […]

Coffee Break Roses
“I love coffee, I love tea, I love the Coffee Break rose and it loves me Coffee and tea and the rose and me…” OK, so I took a few liberties with the Manhattan Transfer lyrics but I can promise, we’ll all be singing the praises of this new rose aptly named, “Coffee Break”. This […]