5 Interesting Facts About New Year You Didn’t Know

After being merry and spreading the Christmas cheer, it’s time now to get into the New Year spirit and welcome 2020 with a bang. What everyone knows about the New Year’s Eve is that it is a night to get high on fun and celebrate with friends and family. But there are things you didn’t know about New Year’s Eve. Check them out for yourself!

New Year used to be on March 20


Yes, that’s right! The first evidence of the New Year celebration dates back to around 2000 BC in the Middle East. At that time, New Year began on March 20. Interesting, isn’t it?

New Year is celebrated on January 1 because Julius Caesar said so


Ever wondered about this- Why does New Year begin on the 1st of January? Well, Julius Caesar had marked January as the ‘numero uno’ (Number One) month and our contemporary calendars follow the same system.

The ball drop is about 100 years old


Everyone knows the ball drop at the Times Square in New York on New Year’s Eve! But do you know when did the practice of the ball drop first start? The first ball drop took place on December 31, 1907. Ever since, it is tumbled down every year and over a million people flock to watch it.

The New Year’s kiss dates back to the Middle Ages


Historians believe that the tradition of a New Year’s kiss has been derived from the German and English culture since both of them have had the tradition. The main idea behind this tradition is that the first person you encounter and kiss in the New Year will set that year’s tone. This is also the reason why people send New Year surprises to their loved ones.

Losing weight is the most common New Year resolution


You might have already made a New Year’s resolution for 2016, haven’t you? But do you know what the most common resolution that people make is? It is, losing weight! Research suggests that people resolve to get into a good shape at the onset of the New Year. Improving a relationship is the 8th most common resolution!

We hope you enjoyed reading these unknown facts. If you have many more to share, add them in the comment box below. Happy New Year 2020!


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5 Charming Christmas Door Decoration Ideas Apart From Wreaths

It’s that time of the year again, with Christmas around the corner. Naturally, with lots of guests flocking to your house for the Christmas Party, you would want cheerful and classy decorations to greet them. While you can implement unique themes for your Christmas tree and room decor, front door decorations often remain confined to typical wreaths. But, your front door won’t look typical this Christmas and that’s our promise! Here are 5 of the most charming Christmas door decoration ideas apart from wreaths!

Ice Skates Door Hanging

If you have a pair of vintage skates lying in your cupboard and are wondering what to do with them, this is the perfect hack! You could simply tie them up with a pretty ribbon and hang them from your front door. To give it a Christmassy feel, you may add some small and pretty Christmas accessories such as pinecones, bells, gifts, etc.

Pinecone Door Hanging

The Pinecone Door Hanging is yet another beautiful piece of Christmas decor that will make your front door look astounding. A simple DIY decor, it can be made easily using pines and bright colored silk ribbons. To give it a finishing touch, you may trim the ends of the ribbons so that they don’t look uniform. Hang the bundle from a nail on your door and let compliments pour in.

Ornament Decoration


If you are looking to give your doorway an elegant and classy look, this decor is for you! All you need to make this simple yet stunning door decor is a pair of ribbons and exotic Christmas ornaments. Hang them from a satin ribbon and give your entrance the feel of a Winter Wonderland. Classy yet simple, isn’t it?

Santa Hat Door Hanging


The Santa Hat Door Hanging is yet another perfect Christmas front door decor idea and the easiest of them all. All you need is a Santa hat, a basket that would fit inside the hat and some goodies. You can also stuff the hat with beautiful red flowers to give a Christmassy feel to your doorway. Easy to make, this will surely attract every guest’s attention.

Wooden Door Hanging


If conventional wreaths are not your style and you are looking for something appealing, large and simple at the same time, a wooden door hanging is a perfect choice. You can have a few wooden letters on your front door that will spread joy in the neighbourhood and give a merry spirit to your entrance way. You can also give a moss finishing to the letters for an enchanting look or add some Christmas flowers around it.

So which one are you trying this year?

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