Last Minute Tips By FLORA2000 For A Hassle Free Christmas

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Yes, just a few more day before the big man himself comes to town and we all fall asleep on the couch in an exhausted heap. It’s that time of year again when the social calendar is bursting at the seams, the to-do list is never ending and madness starts to set in. So how can you remember and do everything without collapsing under the strain? The answer is through honing your already well-oiled organizational skills and using trusted time-saving methods. As we perch on the edge of Christmas Eve, here are some tips that will help you get through the next few days with ease.

Last Minute Preparations

Don’t just rely on your memory alone

This is the sure fire way of forgetting the most important things. You should put everything down on paper as soon as you think of it and have a calendar or any other kind of list which you can keep in a known place (hang it on the fridge or the door to the hall). The fact that you can mark things off the list once you finish doing them will make you feel you are getting closer to being done with all the preparations. It goes without saying that being organized with your Christmas preparations will prevent a total melt down, but by having your list of things to do you’ll not only make it through the  hectic season, you’ll actually find yourself enjoying it.

Advance planning

Purchase some just-in-case presents for the hosts of impromptu get together or unexpected gift givers. Think general but thoughtful Christmas gifts like scented candles, chocolates and bottles of wine etc. If you still like sending Christmas cards, consider a virtual version to save both time and trees. Just a click of the button anytime during the day and you can cross that one off your list!

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Childproofing the house

Your own children might be well past the curious-crawler stage, but it’s a good idea to keep in mind the other kids that your guests will get along. Keep away or at least relocate décor that might break or topple over. It would also be a good idea to cover up the Christmas light sockets as little fingers can easily poke these.

Prepare a first-aid kit

A whole lot of children running around, Christmas decorations, and hot food in one room- it’s best to be prepared. Keep at hand a kit with band-aids, cotton, disinfectant and thermometer. Throw in some calamine lotion, eye drops, cough medicine, antacid and fever medicine for both kids and adults.

Spruce up the house: 

Organize your DVDs and magazines or keep them out of sight altogether. Select just a few for the coffee table to minimize clutter. You can also set up the garden by decorating simple benches with Christmas décor, to extend the holiday feel outdoors. This can be the area for guests who enjoy the falling snow.

Remember to give yourself breaks along the road to Christmas preparation. Hopefully these tips will help you avoid the last minute melt down and maybe if you get everything done early, you could just put your feet up and relax before Santa shows up.


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About Flora2000

Flora2000 is the World’s premier international floral gifting brand. We feature a beautifully illustrated avant-garde collection of exquisite arrangements, especially suited for creating unforgettable moments for the special people. For over a decade, Flora2000 has transformed fine flowers into artistic expressions of mesmerizing beauty. Elegant design, personal care and the finest quality come together to offer you stunning floral arrangements for those special occasions. With a distinguished nationwide presence in the US, India & UK, we also deliver in over 190 countries. Our mission is to make floral gifting a personal, convenient and an exclusive experience.
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