Mother’s Day Flowers From Us

Mother's Day Contest

Mother’s Day is here again but this year, we want to celebrate Mom’s in an extra special way.

This is the time when you start planning and get your Mother’s Day shopping started to make every detail perfect.

Since we want to be a part of this special day in your lives, we bring you a contest which would let you win your Mom flowers and be their champions.

It’s pretty simple, all you have to do is leave your comments on this post. Just tell us about a moment in your life, which made you stop and think – ‘My Mother is the greatest’.

The 2 most interesting comments will win Beautiful Mother’s Day Bouquets for their Mom’s Absolutely Free.

So get thinking, start typing and win your Mom the Flowers she deserves.

We will accept entries till the 5th of May.

About Flora2000

Flora2000 is the World’s premier international floral gifting brand. We feature a beautifully illustrated avant-garde collection of exquisite arrangements, especially suited for creating unforgettable moments for the special people. For over a decade, Flora2000 has transformed fine flowers into artistic expressions of mesmerizing beauty. Elegant design, personal care and the finest quality come together to offer you stunning floral arrangements for those special occasions. With a distinguished nationwide presence in the US, India & UK, we also deliver in over 190 countries. Our mission is to make floral gifting a personal, convenient and an exclusive experience.
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97 Responses to Mother’s Day Flowers From Us

  1. Nicole says:

    It is so amazing to read all the comments about inspirational mothers. I wanted to enter this contest to send flowers to my grandmother, because if it was not for her, then there wouldn’t have been my mother, nor me. My fondest memory of my grandmother is very simple. I used to sit on her lap as she would sing traditional folk songs to me, and that has greatly influenced my love for singing and music. I am grateful every day that she is still here with us, and it would be great to be able to send her lovely flowers just to say ‘I love you, Grandma’ 🙂

  2. Pam Molner says:

    The moment I realized my mom was the greatest was the moment of the birth of my own child. I had spent endless hours worrying about how I would I take care of this completely dependant life. When my daughter was born I looked at her and thought of my own mother and I realized that I had the best example of what a mother is. When I was growing up I never knew she had been sick even for a day. I learned much later that she had fought cancer twice. When my brothers and I needed shoes she managed to buy them for us and then I would see that her own work shoes (she was a nurse) were taped together with medical tape. Once she came home from work at 11:30 pm and I told her I needed something to wear for a band performance the next day and she stayed up all night and took apart her own Christmas dress and made me one. All these memories flooded my mind at the sound of my daughter’s first cry and I knew that my mother had taught me well.

  3. Brad Abbott says:

    First off I want to say thank you for this wonderful gesture for people who can’t afford flowers for their mothers during this rough economic time.

    My mother was a loving mother, a fun mother, and a caring mother. I only knew her for 7 years of my life, but I will tell you those were the greatest 7 years I could of ever asked for. Those were the years where we could do whatever we wanted and not worry about a thing, those were the years where your parents or parent would show you what was right or wrong.

    Towards the latter part of those years in my life, my mother showed me what courage and determination was as she fought breast cancer. However, her fight ended on 8/31/1990 and she left behind me, my brother, my sister and my father.

    I don’t want this to be a sad post as I look back over those first 7 years of my life (I am now 26) but rather a joyous post. My mother showed me what love, respect, dignity and death all was before I even knew some of them existed. She showed me how you can respect and love someone without spending lots of money or even worrying about the finer things in life. She showed me how to be a gentleman and manners and how to treat everyone the same as you would be treated.

    She taught me how to be me, and I think that is what mothers do. They teach each and everyone of us how to be loving and caring and unique in our own ways.

    Unfortuantly, I know this contest is for flowers to give to our mothers but if I win I would like to give mine to my Grandmother (my father’s mother). She stepped in as a mother figure and continued to show me, my brother, and sister the love that we were use too from our mother earlier in our lives.

    I Love You Mom and Happy Mother’s Day to all!

  4. Arlene O'Neil says:

    Mom will be 78 this year and there are so many moments when I thought, “My Mom’s the greatest!” One period in time does stand out though. My son was deployed to Iraq in 2003, and Mom was there day and night to guide me through my fears.

    There can be no greater gift a mother can give her child than a strong and loving shoulder on which to lean.

  5. My mother grew up and became a nun at 17. When she was in her 30’s she left the calling and became a wife in her mid 30’s.

    She adopted three children after miscarrying many of her own.

    We were chosen by her, my brother, sister and I. She loved us like we were her own flesh and blood and is still an amazing mother.

    I think, My mother is the Greatest!

  6. vikas says:

    Each morning i get up and look around… for i remember mummy getting up even before the dawn break , preparing milk / tea for the house hold, pack our lunch boxes school, be ready with our clothes ironed and herself ready for her job. All these years i never heard or saw her asking for anything from anyone. I saw her have slice with tea for we were out of wheat four , so that we – her children, may eat full stomach. Never ever did i see any maid in our home for even if mummy was not well she will not say a word , do the work smiling and go to room for little rest. All she ever wanted was us to be happy and keep smiling for we are her health and joy and life. i can write on and on mummy – My only prayer each morning said / unsaid to Lord is i may sever her now , tell her how much i love and respect her , hug her each day … Mom you are the greatest and the best gift Lord has given me. India and US may be distance apart but not our hearts.

  7. Thiago L. says:

    Write a testimonial about my mother here would really make me feel strange…specially reading such strong ones above. It´s a beautiful bouquet but I rather to loose this one and leave an important message here for the upcoming special event.
    We all here love our mothers uncondionally, otherwise we wouldn´t be exposing as such, would we? do we just want a bouquet?
    This is not about me…this is about mothers generally speaking. My mother is a healthy and self-proclaimed happy person thanks for god and for all what is sacred and I don´t love her any less than you love your mother. But a close friend´s mother in other hand carried a cancer for 13 years before she passed, for thirteen years.
    While the cancer was consuming her the chemo was taking away her women pride, vanity and due to her lower-than-the-average social conditions, her dignity was taken away as well. First the divorce of the tired husband, lousy unpresent father. than second the negligence of her only child, blindfolding himself with drugs and alcohol waiting for his mother caring expenses to finish so he could get back to his old priorities and inherit the little she had. Thou she divided all her attention between her cancer and her son drug and alcohol problem for long, lousy son…I would say a terrible son. Within this lifetime of sickness, hospitals, chemos, radiotherapy and a problematic son, she kept fighting till one day she finally got real sick and her son saw the terrible vision of his mothers face becoming of a green color that I chill only by imagining while he tells me. That day was probably the exactly day of his change, he started his cleansy out of drugs and alcohol it took him alot while his mother was getting sicker and sicker he took good care of her, being a real son…during her 10th year with cancer he quit working, “he lived by her bed feet” doing things for her mostly people wouldn´t do even being paid for. But he kept going…giving her what if he had gave before maybe she wouldn´t be finding herself in such advanced stage of cancer (lost her speech, lost her move shoulder´s below) And after three years on, her son now changed willpower, managed to bring back his father home, close to her for 2 months more, of a long time not felt feeling of right. Multiple metastasis took her away from her child. She left no words but everyone knew what she wanted to say. I heard many different things from all the people who knew that lady. I have my version and I believe she only wanted to die as a family mother, she waited long for that defying medical prognosis year after year. My friend E.G (29yo)
    commited suicide 2 months later. Although I made to his mother´s funeral R.G (58yo) this january. I couldn´t make to his.
    I believe I will never forget what he told me on that day: “She gave me the gift of birth and she only requested my happines in return, why I made it so expensive? The world is so full of good mothers when what it really needs is better children, don´t expect something bad happen to your mother, don´t expect a god´s call, be happy and succesful while she can see you”.
    It was inspiring for all my friends who knew them, alot of us changed the way of seeing things and now we devote more attention toward our mothers.
    fellow children, I just want to make his words mine. And dedicate a bouquet to all the mothers who passed away trying to give the future the best of their child.

  8. Thamarai says:

    I love my mom very much,she is my strength.I think of her every day ,when ever i do any tough job or get afraid of something or i just think of her love towards me and my dad.I used to call her every day and hear from her ” ellorum nalam” which means “everybody will be fine and healthy”. which will make my feelings strong and healthier.
    She has allowed me to do all that i want with som restrictions.
    I also found from my mother that a women will be complete when she becomes a mom
    She keeps nothing for her ( and i keep lods and lods of love for her ).
    Happy mothers day for all lovely mothers

  9. Trudi Hedley says:

    Pure and simple my Mum is an amazingly loving and resilient lady. She became our Step Mum when I was 4 (I’m now 39). From day one she nurtured and loved my brother and I and has continually been there for us. Through all the trials and tribulations that life throws, she has never let us down (and there have been many). As you can imagine, we weren’t the easiest kids to raise, with my brother and I having to cope with a messy divorce between our parents. Through all the years she has been our rock, even when we have turned against her. She has raised us, loved us, taught us, inspired us – and still continues to do so. We have experienced many difficult times, illness, broken relationships, troubles at school etc etc. She has always been there – a constant, reliable Mum to us. Asking for nothing in return. She deserves recognition and although I’m now the other side of the world from her, she is always in my thoughts. I will be eternally grateful for all that she has done for me and continues to do.

  10. ellesse says:

    My mother was the greatest !
    She was my number ONE.
    though, she has passed away.. .. .. suffered from cancer.
    She is still my mother , like she is living around me, caring me in my dreams.
    My mother is still the greatest of all whom I have known !

  11. nloke says:

    My mom has been working extra apart from my dad to sponsor me to university. She was exhausted everyday and stressed. All this brought her poor health. And she care more about us rather than herself. The saddest news came when I was in the final year. My mom was diagnosed stage 3 breast cancer and went through biopsy. She feared that the news will affect my emotion during exams and she hid it from me. When the news was broke to me…I was shocked and in pain. Due to financial problem to pay my school fees, my mom did not want to spend money for Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Finally with encouragement from relatives and god, I was able to convince her for the treatment. Thank god for her courage and strenght which allowed her to underwent the painful treatment. Now, she is given a second chance. Mom, I choose this special day to tell you how much we love you and always remember the things you do for us despite we did not always vocalized such thoughts but deep in our heart, you are the best mom. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.

  12. Adla says:

    My mother lived most of her life and youth in a house with her mother in law, sister in law and a brother in law, they treated her very badly and she was young at that time with no family around, we were six brothers and sisters, she went through a very tough time because of them, they were mean to her humilating her and at the same time raising 6 kids, she managed with her patience and strong well to raise us, we are all now married with kids finished universities and have a very good career because of her support, advise and being there of six of us, we love our mom and appreciate what she has done to us and no matter what we do will not be enough.

  13. Jessica says:

    These are the days that always remind me on how my mom loves us so much;
    ~ Everyday from the first hour that I open my eyes up to the last minute that I closing my eyes, she is there providing us food on the table, clean clothes, helping with our assignments, easing on our whinings, aling our aches and supporting our dreams.
    ~ During our hardship times, my dad unable to work with his condition, we the kids studying is grade and high school level, my mom provide for all of us. She goes to work by foot walking about an hour and riding another hour to and from everyday. She borrows from almost everyone but paid all of them. She was tested several times seeing a lost wallet full of money and no one sees her but decided to look for the owner and never get a reward but she’s happy that she had returned it.
    ~ Her words of wisdom are the ones that gives us strength to live a good christian, work with honesty, discipline, focus and the right way. She puts strong faith in God in our hearts.
    ~ She showed us how to handle bad elements of people. She gives food to people who had rob us. She greets people who had almost killed my dad. She shared our little food to our neighbors who had no food.
    My mom showed us how the good deeds and love make difference. Her life is my guidance today. I thanked God for giving us mom like her.

  14. My mother is the greatest because she is, and always has been, there for me! Never more so than in 1996, while living in New Zealand, I was involved in a serious car crash and almost lost my leg! I travelled home to England, and my mother was by my side every day in hospital over the next year as I went through several more operations and learnt to walk again! I may have been 34 years old at the time – but you are never too old to need, and love, your mum!!

  15. Lori Z. says:

    When my first child was born, my mom came and helped take care of her and let me recover and catch up on sleep. She was always around and so it wasn’t until my daughter was a week old before I had to change my first diaper. Ten seconds in I had poop in my hair and laughing I thought, “my mother is the greatest”–how spoiled I was!

  16. Anita Simson says:

    She made sure I had the best, not just in material terms but in maternal love……..
    Moms are awesome!!!! I strongly believe that everydat should be Mothers’ day!!!
    I love you Mommy for the things you have done for me and still doing……

  17. Kim says:

    The day I left home to chase after all my young and wild dreams, mom was standing still in front of the custom, waving her hands no matter her little body was pushed by the crowd back and forth. Every time i looked back, she was still there, waving and tried hard to hold her tears.

    Mum and I were never close; there are years that I even convinced myself that having me born was the thing she regretted the most for. But, at the airport, on that day, at that moment, tears broke through my eyes. I realized that I will be always her daughter and always be loved by her.

  18. Casendra says:

    There are just too many incidents that make me think of ‘My Mother is the Greatest’, solely because she has been acting as mother and a father as the same time ever since my dad passed away when I was 5.

    There was this particular incident that everytime I think of it, the flashback is still crystal clear, just like yesterday – The day she amended my secondary school uniform during middle of the night, so that I can go to the school that I wanted to, with the right uniform and school badge.

    It was the midnight of 18 years ago, after the first day of my secondary school life, after I fell sleep with tears on my face. I was suppose to go to Confusion Private Secondary School, which I love so much, because of the small scale of it, because of the students & teacher I met during the enrollment exam, I felt that they are friendly and approachable. Unfortunately, just right before the school opening, my uncle enrolled me to another Prviate School with higher reputation and is far far away from my house. So, the first day in this school was a disaster to me (at least I felt so that time). I was in the school bas 5am and only back to home at 5.30pm, I still remembered I spend 2.5hrs for the travelling! And I was not welcomed in the class, neither the teacher.

    So I was depressed, but I just quiet as I was not given much choice that time, I was not suppose to say ‘NO’ to my uncle’s arrangement due to his financial support and his good hearted, I was suppose to show my gratitue and appreciation. At the end of the day, mum just asked me one question ‘Do you like the school?’ – Of course my answer was – NO.

    Then… she somehow make the decision that she is not going to let me drown just for the sake of the good reputation of the school, for the sake of my uncle’s financial support. So, she woke up in the middle of the night, and amend my school uniform & school badge that comply to the school I prefered to go to. Folded nicely and putting it next to me, and told me softly that I will go to the school that I want. Follow by a soft kissed on my forehead…

    Whenever I saw the sewing machine, it will just bring me back to that particular night, which I felt so loved and protected by my mum. Thanks to her, I was able to go throught every single obstacle and challenge in my life, because I will never want to let her down in any single way.

  19. Casendra says:

    The one great moment, would be every single ‘eating’ moment with mum. Why?? Because, you’ll reserve the best for me and brother, as if we are the Prince & Princess, she is the servant. Exaggerated? Not at all. My dad passed away when I was 5, left very little behind for us. Ever since then, mum has to find a hard job and to raise us up. Eventhought she earn very little, she somehow never make us felt that we live in poverty, because she is very much willing to give all her best to us.

    She used to buy butter/sponge cake for us as breakfast. We used to have the normal slice of the cake and she somehow always having the side/edge of the cake, sometimes it only cost RM1 for one whole big package. Then I asked her, mum why are you always eating that while we have a normal slice of cake? She said “well you know the edge of the cake taste better, with the slight overbaked smell…’ For once I really buy her reason. Then, after I graduated from high school and started with my part-time job, our financial status become slightly better. Thereafter, the RM1 big package of cake edge dissappear… After so many years only I come to realise that, she did it for the sake of saving money and giving the best to us.

    From that particular moment onwards, I’ve ensured she will have the best in her plate and the whole piece of cake on every single special occasions for her!

  20. Roumelane Cleofe says:

    Why women -Specially Mothers – are so special? I want to share this story of how our mother deserve of endless thanking and love – I love you, Inay!.

    Mum and Dad were watching TV when Mum said, “I’m tired, and it’s
    getting late. I think I’ll go to bed.”
    She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the next day’s
    lunches. Rinsed out the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the
    freezer for supper the following evening, checked the cereal box
    levels, filled the sugar container, put spoons and bowls on the
    table and started the coffee pot for brewing the next morning.
    She then put some wet clothes in the dryer, put a load of clothes
    into the washer, ironed a shirt and secured a loose button. She
    picked up the game pieces left on the table, put the phone back on
    the charger and put the telephone book into the drawer. She
    watered the plants, emptied a wastebasket and hung up a towel to
    dry. She yawned and stretched and headed for the bedroom.
    She stopped by the desk and wrote a note to the teacher, counted
    out some cash for the excursion and pulled a text book out from
    hiding under the chair. She signed a birthday card for a friend,
    addressed and stamped the envelope and wrote a quick note for the
    grocery store. She put both near her bag.
    Mum then washed her face with 3 in 1 cleanser, put on her Night
    Solution & age fighting moisturizer, brushed and flossed her teeth
    and filed her nails.
    Dad called out, “I thought you were going to bed.”
    “I’m on my way,” she said. She put some water into the dog’s dish
    and put the cat outside, then made sure the doors were locked and
    the patio light was on. She looked in on each of the kids and
    turned out their bedside lamps and radios, hung up a shirt, threw
    some dirty socks into the hamper, and had a brief conversation
    with the one up still doing homework.
    In her own room, she set the alarm; laid out clothing for the next
    day, straightened up the shoe rack. She added three things to her
    6 most important things to do list. She said her prayers, and
    visualized the accomplishment of her goals.
    About that time, Dad turned off the TV
    and announced to no one in particular. “I’m going to bed.” And he
    did…without another thought.
    Anything extraordinary here? Wonder why women live longer…? haul
    (and they can’t die sooner, they still have things to do!!!!)

  21. OSCAR says:

    My War Chickens,

    There is no such thing as the greatest mom in the world and it is rather selfish to think that way. But each mother is special in its own way and the things they do in life for a child is what defines her as who they are and makes them special in our eyes.
    I am a US Marine Reserve who volunteered to go to Iraq for a second time. I live in NYC but I have giving up Family and girlfriend just to have the opportunity to do the right thing one more time. I have been serving in Iraq since 2007, working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. I am no longer obligated to stay here but I have chosen to stay, since I was here during the invasion in 2003, it is only right to stay until the job is finish and by me staying here instead of going home I am giving the opportunity to another Marine to stay home with his Family.
    A few weeks ago I was talking to my mother on the phone as I always do, during that conversation I told her that I really missed her and cooking and that it would be really nice to finally have a home cooked meal when I returned home next year.
    A few days later I received a packaged on the mail and it was from my mother, inside that package there was something cover in cooking aluminum foils surrounded by dry ice. Inside the aluminum foils there were 2 rotisserie chickens that have been prepared specially for me by my mother and just the way I like it and the way she used to make it when i was a kid.
    When I saw that I felt butterflies in my stomach and realized that my mother was Fucking awesome. I immediately call her to thank her for the gesture and she was happy for me and of course gave me some directions to heat up the chickens.
    I told my fellow Marines about the chickens and later that night we prepared a fire to warm up the chickens and avoided any possible bacteria, but who has time to care about that when you are living in a shit hole and people at trying to kill you. Sometimes we forget who we are or where we come from, but most important of all we take for granted the little things in life that actually matter the most and it is not until we are in shit hole that we realized that the love of a mother does not have a price, or limits.
    Anyway I thought I shared this story with you all as an example of the things a mother would do for a son. Now you all be good to your mothers and those who have the opportunity to see their mothers do me a favor and next time you see her give her huge for me SEMPER FI.

    Cpl Oscar G. Crespo
    MCE-I Transportation NCO
    Camp Victory, Baghdad, Iraq
    DSN 318 485-5412
    SVOIP 241-8652
    Cell 790 111-2101

  22. rima haddad says:

    Thank you for your amazing service!!!

  23. Tammie says:

    There is simply no way to describe what an amazing mom and friend I have all balled up in one. She has gracefully walked through some of the toughest storms in life anyone has ever had to endure and she did it all with the dignity and poise of a princess. She is my biggest fan and this is something I’ve known my entire life, but she proves it over and over again as she fights as much of my breast cancer battle as she can. She is walking in the Susan G. Komen breast cancer 3-day walk AGAIN with me just to show her support. Her support in this walk is just the physical manifestation of what she does for me every day emotionally and spiritually as I fight the cancer. She says if I can fight the fight, then she can walk the walk. She is amazing.

    She is a mom to everyone that will let her nurture them. From being the neighborhood mom when I was a kid that all the other kids came to for bumped knees or hurt feelings, to the mom that stayed at the hospital bed until her husband and soul-mate took his last breath, to the mom that has held my hair back while I still had some or washed my face as I endured chemo treatments and now the mom that her grandchildren adore and crave her presence. Her co-workers, her neighbors, her friends and anyone else that comes in contact with her feel her love for them all and feel completely free to be themselves without fear of judgement or criticism. She is truly special and I love and admire my mom more than anyone else in this world. She has taught me how to love.

    Now that I am a mother as well, I look to her for guidance again and pray to be as much like her as I can possible be. If I come even halfway close, I will have achieved more than most people do in their lifetimes.

  24. Freeda says:

    The greatest thing about my mother is that she never misses a day without her praying for me, my brothers and sister, as well as her grandchildren. During her 30 minute drive to work, she prays out loud all the way – to the extent that her boss and colleagues have asked, who an earth she is talking to. What a sight they see when they see her driving….and passionately talking! That´s what I love about my mother. She loves us to the extent that people think she´s crazy 🙂

  25. SPC. Jarred Dukes says:

    My Mother is the Greatest because She has kept my Hopes high during my first deployment to Iraq.

  26. Lyvia Pancho Caldwell says:

    My mom is not well-educated compare to others mom, but my mom is a very intelligent person of all mama’s I know. Every decision she made are always wise… When troubles comes in the family, I never see her panicked but always see her very calm, and spoke with wisdom… Maybe one reason that makes her differently is because of her belief in God and practically live out her faith… And she knows to do a lot of things from cooking, washing, sewing and other womanly chores, and do carpentry and farming… I could say that she is my Proverbs 31 woman… Happy Mother’s Day, Ma…You are the best, and I thank God for you!!!

  27. Cris Doby says:

    An album of “snapshots” from my memory: mom sitting at the sewing machine late at night to make maternity clothes for the young woman next door; mom scouring the front lawn for 4-leaf clovers to turn our luck around; the smile on mom’s face when she showed us her full penny jar and told us we were going out to eat; mom racing down the street when my sister was hit by a car; mom’s voice (not pleasant!!) when I got my head stuck in the milk shoot; mom spoon feeding me ice cream when I had my tonsils out; the look on my mom’s face when dad died and look on her face when her first grandchild was born. So many other images — but these standout because they symbolize her kindness, her thriftiness, her fierce mothering, her anger, her tenderness, her pains, and her joys.

  28. rashmi says:

    its a priceless gift from god for us…i love my mom …i can’t express my love n feelings for my mom in a word, a paragraph or an article………we just can feel the love…….

  29. Carlos J.M. says:

    I was ten years old and my mom made a trip overseas without me, i felt so bad cause i realized how much i missed her and how important was behaving, thought i would never see her again, but im glad she came back and gave the chance to tell her how much I LOVE her.

  30. Carlos J.M. says:

    I was ten years old and my mom made a trip overseas without me, i felt so bad cause i realized how much i missed her and how important was behaving, thought i would never see her again, but im glad she came back and gave me the chance to tell her how much I LOVE her.

  31. Morqaima M. Campanella says:

    For many years I looked up to my Mom and often imagined being in her shoes. I gave her so much credit for raising 10 children. She was always there for me and my siblings. She was extrememly tough with us all but there was a reason for her being that way. We needed to learn to be self sufficient, responsible and strong. When she became ill, I thought “what will I do without her”. Being at her side during her last breathes I relaized she was the best thing that ever happen to me. I will always treasure her sincerety and love she gave to me. I think of her often and wish she was here to comfort me and provide me with her wisdom. I love her and miss her so, so much!

  32. jyn says:

    My “mama” was really strict. I see her as killjoy until I graduated college. Never thought that my mama’s strictness would SHAPE the way I am today. I am grateful to God that He has given me a mama like her. I LOVE YOU MA~ You are the best here in my HEART yesterday, today and tomorrow!

  33. Michelle says:

    All I can say…my Mother sacrificed her own happiness for us. She wasn’t lucky to have my father as her husband. She was to serve and take whatever pain he gave her. She saved their marriage to the best of her ability. She was a hard working mother and a faithfull wife. She took all the bruises to kept the family together…until my father passed away, then she was freed. She is an awesome mother with unconditional love.

  34. Dr. Madhumita Nath says:

    I’m a mom.
    I am also a daughter, a woman, a wife, and a friend.
    Recently I started blogging. As it turns out, I am a writer too.
    Obviously, a great mom loves her kids, takes care of their basic physical and emotional needs, and spends quality time with them. But what are the subtler, less obvious ways to become a great mom?
    There are too many moments that I can recall thinking that my mom was unique! Lucky me… Being one of five siblings I often wondered how my mom managed to make you feel like you were her special one! I never felt jealousy towards my siblings.There is one thing that comes to mind often to put a smile on my face. When I was in fourth grade after having moved to a new city and new school, I was struggling with my studies, especially mathematics and I thought it was the end of the world. I had an older brother who happened to be a genius so I felt the pressure (something my parents did not induce). Anyway, in my own despair I wrote a small note “for my eyes only” and hid it in my desk at home. One day my brother was looking for something and as soon as he opened my desk’s drawer I ran to stop him which gave me away. He read it and gave it to my mom. I felt ashamed and devastated with my parents knowing what I had written. Things got better with school, the years went by, but I still struggled with mathematics which I dragged like a heavy load all through highschool. When graduation day came along, I was not really appreciating how far I had made it and basically was sitting there during the ceremony uninterested. When they called my name to receive my diploma I took it and went back to my seat without even opening it. I kept it in my hand until the whole group had received theirs and then the principle of the school started to give the graduation speech. Suddenly the principle starts to say that one of the moms had given her something extra to slide in one of the students diploma and that she had to apologise for peeking and reading what that mom had to say to her daughter. I was still looking around to see which of my classmate’s mother had done this, until the principle asked, addressing me at the same time: can I please borrow that note you have with your diploma for a minute?The principle read my moms message (which I had not seen yet) to all present and basically inspired the graduation speech on it. The whole auditorium had tears of emotion. My mother was recalling the day that I wrote, with bad grammar: – I don’t want to go to school anymore, I know how to read and write and this is all I need to know, I hate to study….etc, etc. – My dear mom, had saved that piece of paper to show me one day, not only the importance of an education but to value my accomplishment. Graduation day was meaningful not only for me but all the students that day, thanks to my mother, more so as it turned out that I stood in the highest rank in my graduation. MOM…………….. Thank you!

  35. Dr. Madhumita Nath says:

    I’m a mom.
    I am also a woman, a wife, a daughter, and a friend.
    Recently I started blogging. As it turns out, I am a writer too.
    Obviously, a great mom loves her kids, takes care of their basic physical and emotional needs, and spends quality time with them. But what are the subtler, less obvious ways to become a great mom?
    There are too many moments that I can recall thinking that my mom was unique! Lucky me… Being one of five siblings I often wondered how my mom managed to make you feel like you were her special one! I never felt jealousy towards my siblings.There is one thing that comes to mind often to put a smile on my face. When I was in fourth grade after having moved to a new city and new school, I was struggling with my studies, especially mathematics and I thought it was the end of the world. I had an older brother who happened to be a genius so I felt the pressure (something my parents did not induce). Anyway, in my own despair I wrote a small note “for my eyes only” and hid it in my desk at home. One day my brother was looking for something and as soon as he opened my desk’s drawer I ran to stop him which gave me away. He read it and gave it to my mom. I felt ashamed and devastated with my parents knowing what I had written. Things got better with school, the years went by, but I still struggled with mathematics which I dragged like a heavy load all through highschool. When graduation day came along, I was not really appreciating how far I had made it and basically was sitting there during the ceremony uninterested. When they called my name to receive my diploma I took it and went back to my seat without even opening it. I kept it in my hand until the whole group had received theirs and then the principle of the school started to give the graduation speech. Suddenly the principle starts to say that one of the moms had given her something extra to slide in one of the students diploma and that she had to apologise for peeking and reading what that mom had to say to her daughter. I was still looking around to see which of my classmate’s mother had done this, until the principle asked, addressing me at the same time: can I please borrow that note you have with your diploma for a minute?The principle read my moms message (which I had not seen yet) to all present and basically inspired the graduation speech on it. The whole auditorium had tears of emotion. My mother was recalling the day that I wrote, with bad grammar: – I don’t want to go to school anymore, I know how to read and write and this is all I need to know, I hate to study….etc, etc. – My dear mom, had saved that piece of paper to show me one day, not only the importance of an education but to value my accomplishment. Graduation day was meaningful not only for me but all the students that day, thanks to my mother, more so as it turned out that I stood in the highest rank in my graduation. MOM…………….. Thank you!

  36. Deepali says:

    For every child, the greatest & sweetest word in the entire vocabulary is the,”Mother”, so is with me. She is my strength and inspiration. Whatever efforts, thoughts, care, love, etc she has invested in raising me from last 28 years has given me the personality which i am so proud of. Whatever i am today is all beacause of her. She is most dependable, honest & loving person of my life. I my highs & lows, she is the one who has always unconditionally stood by me.She is giver& doesn’t want anything in return. I can’t imagine my life without her. I love her so much. Celebration of single day is not enough to express my feelings for her, still i want to thank her her for so much she has done for me. Happy Mother’s day…Mom!

  37. Janell Wilson says:

    I think that my mom deserves to win this because for the last almost 7 years she has been battling a cancerous brain tumor. The doctors gave her six months to live when she was first diagnosed and she has long out lived that. She has undergone 2 surgeries and received all the chemo and radiation that her body can handle. She has lost use of her right arm and limps on her right leg; she has a hard time speaking because that is the side of the brain that the tumor has affected. She is an amazing lady that more than deservers this. She has raised 6 kids, 3 of which were still in the house when she was diagnosed. She will not give up for anything. She fights daily, but she knows that there is something worth living for and she is going to do it. She has her bad days and she has her good days, but she won’t give up. She more than deserves this and everything else in the world.

  38. Danny says:

    Here’s a song for Mama by Boyz II Men – I always listen to this and It never fails to touch my heart ! Happy Mother’s Day !!

    “Song for Mama”

    You taught me everything
    And everything you’ve given me
    I always keep it inside
    You’re the driving force in my life, yeah

    There isn’t anything
    Or anyone I can be
    And it just wouldn’t feel right
    If I didn’t have you by my side

    You were there for me to love and care for me
    When skies were grey
    Whenever I was down
    You were always there to comfort me
    And no one else can be what you have been to me
    You’ll always be you always will be the girl
    In my life for all times

    [Chorus: ]
    Mama, mama you know I love you
    Oh you know I love you
    Mama, mama you’re the queen of my heart
    Your love is like Tears from the stars
    Mama, I just want you to know
    Lovin’ you is like food to my soul

    You’re always there for me
    Have always been around for me even when I was bad
    You showed me right from my wrong
    Yes you did

    And you took up for me
    When everyone was downin’ me
    You always did understand
    You gave me strength to go on

    There was so many times
    Looking back when I was so afraid
    And then you come to me
    And say to me I can face anything
    And no one else can do
    What you have done for me
    You’ll always be
    You will always be the girl in my life

    “Cheers and All the best wishes to everyone. Thanks God for the best gift in this world – Moms !!”

    I love you Mama !!

  39. dima kittaneh says:

    I too adore and admire my mom…so many words of wisdom from her….what usually comes to mind is, “get up and take a shower”, which she said whenever anyone was feeling ill (everything from a headcold to appendicitis). She would say, “you might feel better…you may not feel better, but at least you’ll be clean”. This advice meant that and so much more. It meant, “get up and get going”….”never give up”….”try no matter what”…”don’t wallow”…”push yourself”….”look for and grab the silver lining”…”there’s always a flip side”…”there’s always something good to make of a bad situation”…”take control of what you can”…”there’s always some control that you can take”, etc. She modeled this persistance for us in all that she did and does. She framed life experiences and groomed our worldviews to embrace change and that has served us well. I hope that I can impart this to my kids.
    i think my mom is the greatest

  40. dima kittaneh says:

    beatiful words for my mother:

    For all the things I didn’t say
    About how I felt along the way
    For the love you give and the work you’ve done
    Here’s appreciation from your admiring girl

    You cared for me as a little tot
    When all I did was cry a lot,
    And as I grew your work did too–
    I ran and fell and got black and blue.

    I grew some more and it didn’t stop.
    Now you had to become a cop
    To worry about mistakes I’d make.
    You kept me in line for my own sake.

    I got older, and the story repeated;
    You were always there whenever I needed.
    You guided me and wished me the best,
    I became wiser and knew I was blessed.

    So, for all the times I didn’t say,
    The love I felt for you each day,
    Mom, read this so you can always see
    Just how much you mean to me.

    Mom, Thanks for everything!

  41. dima kittaneh says:

    my mom is the one who brought me into this world (and who jokingly states– “the one who can take me out”). She was the firm hand that guided and gently pushed me down life’s many paths, yet the same hand that was soft and comforting when that path caused me to stumble. She was the engineer of my moral character, the one who showed me right from wrong. Yet even when I chose wrong, she was never my judge. She was wise enough to know that making the wrong choice is part of attaining the knowledge of how to make the right one. Sure, I’ve had my share of spankings; but Motherhood and Guidance, like any art form, requires the use and implementation of

    My mother was a favorite of my friends, one of the “cool moms”. I always thought so. She let me grow up and leave the nest, but made sure I had a key in case I wanted to come back. My mother has never had a problem showing her feelings for me or anyone else, a trait I am proud she passed onto me although it has taken most of my years to master the use of that ability. She still, at 24, calls me “doll-baby” and worries if I’m driving in the rain, riding my mountain bike, or any other “adult” activity. When I say I’m not a child she merely replies “ You’re my child, and you always will be”. She has always been there for me; from a baby, to a teenager, and through all my life stages.. so i believe that she is the best mom ever

  42. dima kittaneh says:

    no words are enough to describe my mom and to convience you that she is tha greatest..
    it took me years to know that..she is a complete unit of perfecness.. i love here to death and i know that even if i give here the whole world that will not be enough.. she desreve more than that.
    god bless you my greatest mom.. at least in my eyes

  43. Casendra Ng says:

    Alright, I guess it’s time to share something happy that links to my mum’s greatest!

    Having living in Malaysia, the greatest challenge with me was – to learn 3 languages at the same time – which also becomes the challenge of my mum too! hahaaha….

    Mum only got to study up to standard 3, due the the condition not allowed, and this has been one of the most pity thing that she couldn’t let go in her life. So she wanted so much for us to study, regardless how hard it was.

    As such, when she found out that I’ve got difficulties to learn Malay (Days of the week), she somehow think of a way to motivates me. Instead nagging & scolding, she asked me to teach her. She said she wants to know, even she worked as a general worker, but she would like to know. Alright, leaving me no choice, I had no more excuse not to learn the days of the week in Malay, and then, I just gotto knew it and I taught her as well!

    She was great! She got to learn and memorised it within 3 days and she remembered it until now 🙂 Is she not literate? Not at all, she never give up learning new things and new words and she got to learn the words from newspaper. Whenever there are words that I do not know and so happen she does, she’ll make me very embarrasing by saying ‘tsk tsk tsk, lady, remembered you went to school ok, now take out the dictionary and check…’

    Persistent, perseverance, never cow down to the hard life, yet remain a soft heart… She is simply the great!

  44. Hoang Tran says:

    My mom recounted a story that made me realize just how amazing she is. My family was living in a small poor village in Vietnam at the time. I was a few months old, and it was hurricane season. We lived in a dilapidated shack that surely would not be able to withstand this intense storm. When the storm struck our home, the roof immediately collapse. As all the debris and wood fell around us, my mom’s first instinct was to grab a hold of me and lay on top of me to shield me from the falling timbers. Miraculously, most of the roofing fell around my mother and me, not on top of her so she was unharmed. Regardless, it was her motherly instinct to protect me without concern for herself that made me realize how wonderful she is.

  45. Noreen says:

    Though we all know that our very own mother (who ever gave birth to you) will always be the greatest mom in the world. Therefore, my mama is.
    My mama has cancer – breast cancer. When she was diagnosed staged 3 cancer 6-7 years ago, we all thought that was the end of it. She underwent chemotherapy and radiation to stop it from spreading but it didn’t. She was advised to have another chemo to slow down the spread but she chose not to go through the painful process, instead she chose to enjoy the remaining life given to her.
    I know there are a lot out there who had the same condition as my mother. Majority has survived and some didn’t.
    What makes my mother the greatest is, at the age of 70+ years, she has a will power to survive the greatest pain one person can endure. She chose life, and she chose not to give up. She believes in God, the author and finisher of life. She’s smart and she’s beautiful inside and out. She lives one day at a time and she’s surviving. We may not have a choice of what could our life be, but we sure have a choice of what we can do about it….and my mama made that choice – that is to live life fully against all odds!!!

    Happy Mother’s Day!!!

  46. Shalabh Rakyan says:

    Its not very often that we stop and think about mom…she’s generally taken as a given in our lives…as our support system which is always there. However, sometimes somethings make you pause and think….One of my close friends recently lost her mom to cancer. I visited her, spoke to her and realised that there was nothing I could possibly say….because there’s no way any person can cope with that. It made me imagine what my life would be without mom….without the ever-present support, guidance, laughter, fun, scolding, caring….its something I cant imagine. At that moment I realised that we all take mom for granted all the time but if you try to think of a scenario where mom is not there, you would actually realise how lucky you are. I went home and spent a lot of time with mom…and realised how little time I spend with her otherwise. And to make her happy, all I need to do is be with her, spend time with her, care for her…and I promised myself to do that consciously that day onwards…because she’s mom….and I love her..

  47. Juleah says:

    If given a chance to choose who you want to become, who would you choose? … If faced with this question, a lot of the greatest and most influential people in history would definitely come into my mind. But, there’s one person that will unquestionably be my most excellent choice, the greatest of all the greatest, my mom.

    My mom just turns out to be having all the best a daughter can ever wish for a mother. My mom is so close to being perfect in all aspects.

    1. She’s the finest teacher. Every step of my schooling age, she was there. All achievements I got from school (medals, trophies, plaques, scholarships, etc.) were all due to her for teaching me well and inspiring me to grow and become better.

    2. She’s an epitome of true beauty. She’s not only beautiful in the outside (she truly is, I must say) but also from within. She taught me and my siblings how to live life rightfully with all the values we should always carry out. The best pieces of advice I got from her are to always keep a meek and humble heart and to always have respect for people; that we should save and cherish the best relationship we have as they are the true reflections of our lives.

    3. She’s stronger than I can possibly imagine. Having raised three children very well (physically alone as dad is always away) with all the difficulties we have surpassed along the way, my mom has an admiring kind of strength. Hiding her tears or keeping them from flowing as much as she can or giving a smile even when her heart is breaking just to give us a lift from every heartrending moment resemble the strength of a real mother.

    4. She’s greatly filled with love, care, and thoughtfulness; these three things she abundantly showers us for us to share. She never fails to let us know and feel how much she loves us.

    5. She raised us up with prayers. One of the most wonderful gifts a mother could ever give to her child is the value of praying. Despite having the laziness on going to Sunday masses and saying a little prayer before we sleep, she pursued on drawing us close to God. With that, I am very grateful.

    All these and more bear out the greatness of my mother. But her greatness does not end here or now. As the years go by and as long as she lives, beyond doubt, I know, there will be more to say and more to cherish. And even until she dies, still, there will be more to witness… with the chance that can be greatly passed on to me…

    Happy Mother’s Day Mommy! Nothing compares to your greatness! Big HUGS and big KISSES with big LOVE!!! :-))))

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