Starting when he was still a teenager, Jonathan has built the best loved florist chain in Australia. What makes him special is that he is an expert florist and deeply concerned about their customer’s feelings, doing whatever is necessary to ensure that customers are always overjoyed with his service. Given Australia’s vast size and hot climate meeting and exceeding customer expectations, especially when it come to luxury flowers, can be quite a challenge, and it takes passion and love (plus lots of computers) to get it right each time. Flora2000 is proud to work with this Master Florist for all your premium bouquets and arrangements going to Australia & New Zealand
Delivering smiles in Germany
Here are Derek & Christof (at their facility in Germany), who have been working together with Flora2000 since 2001. They deliver farm fresh flowers across Germany through courier and using a network of florists.
Germany is a top 5 delivery country for Flora2000 and much of this credit goes to these two who deliver remarkable quality, leading to extremely satisfied customers. If you have ever sent flowers to Germany through Flora2000, please give Derek & Christof a big hand.
Mark and Andrew
Mark and Andrew are third generation flower growers and shippers working with Flora2000 for over 4 years. Their flowers are grown in the Canadian border region just next to picturesque Lake Erie and shipped direct to customers in Canada & the US. Here is a picture of them in their greenhouse with the latest crop of Gerberas. Hundreds of staff are involved in this process which includes planting, watering, pruning, harvesting, packaging and shipping. Computer systems and environmental control systems are heavily utilized ensuring only the best quality flowers meet customers. With Valentine’s Day approaching they and their team are working overtime to ensure that flowers are harvested in time, packed and dispatched in time for this extremely busy and important day. All the best guys…
June & Royston visit Flora2000
Our delivering florists in Singapore, June & Royston paid us a visit last month…Royston is a 3rd generation florist and is much acclaimed for his wonderful designs. We have been working together for 6 years and its been a real pleasure for us.
We were both excited about how much easier it is for our customers to order online, where they can get to see the flowers they are ordering and also receive immediate confirmation upon delivery. Singapore being a very technologically advanced country with high mobile penetration is also looking for ways to place orders through mobiles…something to work on in 2007.