Category Archives: News

Celebrate International Women’s Day With Flora2000 | #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021

A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform. To all the Women of the World,  Happy Women’s Day! March 8, 2021 is global celebration of the economic, political and social accomplishments of … Continue reading

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Tulip Time with a Flip

It’s tulip time! It’s tulip time! Yes, tulips now fill the markets and it’s time for you to fill your home with these springtime beauties. “Wait a minute”, you say. “Those flowers in the photograph aren’t tulips”. Yes, these gorgeous … Continue reading

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The Onset of Spring

The birds around me hopped and played, Their thoughts I cannot measure:- But the least motion which they made It seemed a thrill of pleasure. – Wordsworth Spring has sprung! It’s almost March and everyone’s celebrating the gradually lengthening days. … Continue reading

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Flower for the Kitchen

The finest restaurants know all the secrets; high quality butter, extra virgin olive oil, fine sea salt and a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the table. Bring their secrets into your home today. With a quick stop at the grocer … Continue reading

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Flowers in the Morning

The sun comes up and it’s out of bed. OK, often it is out of bed before the sun comes up. Where is the coffee? Oh, no! It’s a bad hair day. Does this sound like you? Perk up your … Continue reading

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Happy daffodil time! Like little rays of sunshine the vibrant yellow daffodil can light up the room. These early spring blooms ask little in return. Just give them a fresh cut and place them in water mixed with flower food. … Continue reading

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Spring Flowers for Your Home

Spring is just around the corner. (Thank goodness!) It has been a long, dark and cold winter. Did I say cold? And, snow! Don’t get me started… Give spring a head start by bringing home springtime favorites today. Tulips, paperwhites, … Continue reading

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Chocolate and Roses

Chocolate, roses and candlelight… Nothing could be more romantic. Add soft music in the background and a glass of champagne…Wow! You’ll make serious points this Valentine’s Day if you gather all the icons of the season. Write a personal note … Continue reading

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Roses for Men

Who buys most flowers? Women! Yep, we love to get them and we love to give them. A surprising fact is that men love to get them, too. You know that warm, happy feeling you get when flowers arrive? Why … Continue reading

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The Perfect Roses for Your Sweetheart

Roses say it all for Valentine’s Day. A single rose expresses a sophisticated “I love you”. Two dozen roses gathered together in a vase shouts out, “I LOVE YOU!” The color that you choose makes a statement as well: Red … Continue reading

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